A Tribute to Shamim

Our hearts have been heavy this week as we said goodbye to Shamim, one of our dedicated community leaders. 

On Saturday, January 11th, our wonderful and beloved Shamim passed away at the age of 35 after a brief illness. She was a woman who had a big impact on so many in her community.  Shamim started volunteering with CLP seven years ago and was the leader of one of our women's savings groups. 

It's often you hear about someone well-known when they leave this earth, but there are many that you may never hear about who give so much, even when they have so little.  Shamim was one of those people. She did all she could to help others, especially our girls and young mothers.  

Even though it's been hard to sit down and write this week, I wanted to honor Shamim and the legacy she leaves. What is not hard, is telling you how wonderful she was.

Shamim Abitereza was born in Lulyambuzi village. She later relocated to Namisambiya village where she rented a place to live. Through her hard work and determination, she was eventually able to buy a piece of land and build a small home. This is an incredible accomplishment for a single mother in Uganda with little education. 

Shamim continued to work hard running several businesses, including selling petrol. She was determined to send her two daughters to school and give them the education she was not able to have herself.  

Shamim was a proud leader of our women's savings and business group in Namisambiya village.  She was teaching women how to start businesses and would advocate on their behalf to secure microloans. 

Shamim also volunteered to help with our programs for teen girls and young mothers to learn skills and have reproductive health lessons.  She welcomed many of the girls to her home and often hosted meetings and trainings. She never wanted any girl to go through what she went through.  

It was just a few months ago I was at Shamim's home and we were making plans together for growing our programs in the community.  In December, she hosted the Namisambiya girls' hairdressing course at her home, never expecting or asking for anything in return

Shamim was one of those people who you always wanted to spend time with. She brightened up your day with her laugh and smile.  Despite all of the challenges she faced in her young life, she still stayed positive.  She was one of those people that you felt immediately drawn to.

Shamim had such hopes and dreams for her two daughters, Sulainah 15, and Shakira 11. They both finished their Primary 7 year in December and are awaiting their exam results to see if they qualify for secondary school.  

Our team member Hilda (above) has been with the girls making sure they are safe and cared for. Their grandmother, Shamim's mother, will be moving into their home to care for them. The three of them are going to keep Shamim's petrol business going so they can support themselves.  

Once the girls receive their exam results and know their education plans for next year, we will be raising funds to send them to secondary school. We know that this was Shamim's greatest hope and we want to support the girls and honor Shamim for all she has done for others.

“Extraordinary” is how our team member Hilda described Shamim and we all agree!

Thank you all for caring and please keep Shamim's daughters and our team who loved her too, in your thoughts and prayers. 

With Gratitude,



Communities in Action


Women-Owned Businesses Leading the Way in Uganda