Safe Schools & Communities
Our many years of work with vulnerable children in Uganda and the U.S. has shown us time and again that we need to take a holistic approach to support.
A common misconception of many donors and aid organizations is that if you give money and supplies you are helping improve lives. While this may be true in the short-term, our experience has shown that you need to address all aspects of a child’s life in order to have an impact.
It is this approach that has enabled the children we’ve sponsored to out-perform the national statistics when it comes to acquiring literacy skills, achieving school completion, and getting a job with a livable wage.
When sponsoring children’s education we look at the systems of support within their families and communities. We know that without safe housing, medical services, proper nutrition, and a support system, that the children will not be able to focus on their learning. Without this support, even the most motivated student ends up leaving school.
We make connections with schools and teachers to ensure that the students we sponsor are attending school and have the supplies and instruction they need to succeed.
Our Safe Schools and Communities channel works in conjunction with our other sponsored projects, as well as partner organizations. We work to build or renovate housing in developing countries, renovate existing schools in Uganda, and arrange for health care. Our approach is to identify and work with the people and resources that are already in a community. We are then able to build a bridge between the need and support.
You can help with our next school renovation project! Be a sponsor in creating a safe place for children to learn and grow.