Progress for Our Girls

Happy Spring!  

 We're so excited that the overlock sewing machine has arrived at our Buwudha Girl's Vocational Center!

Thanks so much to a generous donor, we were able to get this machine which will allow us to sew reusable period pads that are stronger, last longer, and can be sewn much quicker.

 This is the first electric-powered machine we've had at the center. The other four sewing machines are foot-powered treadle machines.  

 Our tailoring instructor has been showing the girls how to use the machine and it's been working great.  Of course, our Fazila was one of the first to start learning on the machine. I'm sure she will become a master at using it!

 This increases the girl's skills and gives them an advantage when looking for a job after they complete their training at the end of the year.

 The machine will also be used to create clothes and other items the girls are making.  

 This might be more than you ever wanted to know about sewing machines but it's a big deal for the girls and will make a big difference in what they can do.

 We're continuing our push this month to get as many period kits with reusable pads to girls in the rural communities.  We're working on fundraising to get the materials to make more kits.

 Thanks to everyone who has helped with this effort so far.

With Gratitude,


P.S.  Our newest school garden is being planted at Buwanume School.  If you'd like to help with this effort you can donate at


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