Projects in Progress

Upcoming Projects

We are seeing exciting growth which equates to a brighter future for kids, and it’s all thanks to our amazing donors! This blog post has information on some of our current projects.  One of these may spark your interest and we would love to hear from you if you’d like to become more involved.


We are taking steps for our newest cohort of students to attend primary school.  With the help of our community partners in Uganda, a small group of children will be screened for primary school.  The foundation will be supporting this group of children as they progress from first grade through seventh grade with school fees, uniforms, school supplies, and social and academic support.

Without the support of the foundation, these children would not have the opportunity to attend school and reach their full potential.  We will be introducing this group to you over time and you will get to hear some of their stories.

Youth Leadership

With the receipt of a grant from the Education First, NoVo, and  Rockefeller Foundations, plans are underway for three Empower Youth Leadership Conferences to be held in Vermont in the coming months.  This will triple the impact we have had over the last two years with our conferences.  At these conferences, middle school students engage in activities to develop personal leadership skills.  They learn how to take a power stance and respond to bullying and negative influences from others. They create a vision board that has them thinking forward about their future.  

This past year we also added a component that taught participants basic financial education. The kids were really intrigued by the power of the compound effect!  We look forward to partnering with local businesses and universities to bring the conferences to more middle school youth.

Safe Communities

One of our newest projects is a partnership with Kamuli Area Peoples Integral Development Association (KAPIDA), and the 52 Kids Foundation, both located in Kamuli, Uganda.  The initial scope of this project is to provide information sessions on reproductive health to the youth in the 52 Kids program.  While some of this information is provided in the general school setting, it has become evident upon our visits that many of the most vulnerable youth are lacking information, or have misconceptions about reproductive health.  KAPIDA will help plan and coordinate these sessions and we look forward to reporting the outcomes of this project.

Another project that we are very excited about is the possibility of constructing and staffing a women’s health center and maternity waiting village in Kamuli, Uganda.  This activity is right in line with our mission to improve the legacy for our children worldwide.  Providing resources for women helps ensure a strong start for the children in a community.  Maternal health is improving in developing countries, but Uganda still ranks 37th from the bottom out of 184 nations for maternal mortality.  

While this is just in the visioning phase, we are gathering information and consulting with the MASS Design Group, in Boston.  MASS Design has extensive experience in building in East Africa and we are looking forward to learning from their expertise.  We have some potential donors who are also very interested in helping with this project.  If you’d like more information on how you can become involved feel free to contact us.


Social-Emotional Learning


Small Steps Make A Big Difference