They Love School in Buwaname

our support is helping make our partnership with the Buwaname Primary School a reality!  A few months ago we were able to send some school supplies to this school in rural Uganda.  The teachers at Charlotte Central School in Vermont, donated flash cards, number and letter cards, chalk, pens, and pencils.  The looks of joy and the words of appreciation from the teachers and students filled our hearts.

The children who live in this community face so many challenges each day.  Food has been in very short supply due to an ongoing drought. Many children and families are having just one small meal daily.  The opportunity to attend school and learn is the only hope they have for a better future.

In April we will be bringing more of the daily supplies needed for teaching and learning to the teachers and students at Buwaname Primary.  In addition, one of our next projects to help provide safe schools and communities, will be making plans to renovate portions of the school. Over the next year we plan to resurface the classroom walls that are crumbling and install new chalkboards.

One of the most immediate needs is for windows so that teaching and learning can continue when the rains come.  A second phase of the project will be helping to renovate the kitchen that provides the daily meal to students.  The Buwaname community will be mobilizing to provide matching support for these projects.  Experience has shown us that once we provide the initial spark for a project, the community rallies and is able to continue on it’s own.

Windows need to be installed in the classrooms

School kitchen in need of repair.

Giving this hand up, instead of a hand-out, is crucial to our mission of helping in a way that is economically sustainable.  We believe a true partnership, working with the Buwaname community from the inside out, will ensure a better future for the 420 students at the school.

You can continue to be part of and watch the progress of these students and this community.


Empowering Youth 2017 Conference


From Muno Mukabi to Muno Mu Bulungi