Emmanuel’s Gift

It was one of those days where everything felt a bit frustrating.  I was locked out of my computer, couldn’t get my phone to connect so I could get the code to unlock it, knew I had a lot of work to do… you know the feeling.  

A while later when my phone was able to get a signal, I got a message from one of our team members in Uganda with the photo you see here.  

Emmanuel Mugabi is 9 years old. His mother died giving birth to him and he is an orphan currently living with his 75-year- old grandmother.  

Emmanuel was in first grade at Nabwigulu Primary School, but he had to leave after one semester because he didn’t have the money for school fees. Emmanuel was able to fund his first semester by quarrying rocks, breaking them up, and selling them to people. However, the money was not enough to cover both food to survive and school fees.

Finding Perspective in a Pile of Rocks

So that put my morning “problems” in perspective! As I went about my day, I think I shared Emmanuel’s story with every one I came in contact with. Emmanuel gave me, and others I’ve told his story to, the gift of perspective. How often do we stress over things that really aren’t that important?  

There are many situations like Emmanuel’s in Uganda that are hard for us to even imagine. Could you imagine your child or grandchild traveling by themselves from village to village collecting rocks, breaking them into pieces, and then selling them, all on their own? I know I couldn’t.

Each day our team is working in communities that are incredibly impoverished. Children are undernourished, people are sick and need medicine, houses are crumbling, the need can feel endless and we know we can’t help everyone. But Emmanuel’s situation and his desire to learn really stuck with all of us. 

When “Free” isn’t Really Free

While it is promoted that school is “free” in Uganda, it really isn’t. Students must buy their own paper, pencils, test materials, and school uniform. If they want any food for snack and lunch they must pay for that too. It’s very difficult for many families in Uganda to afford school.

The Gift of an Education

Now we want to give Emmanuel the gift of education this holiday season. We hope to fund his tuition and supplies, including a uniform and shoes as well as a school lunch. We will also be getting him some tutoring so that he can get a strong start. We are about half way to funding his education for 2024. If you’d like to join us in this gift for Emmanuel you can donate any amount here at Donorsee, our crowdfunding partner.

What I imagine now is the look on Emmanuel’s face, and the joy he and his grandmother will feel when he receives his gift of an education. We all have hope that this project to send Emmanuel to school will be funded by December 23rd so the team can deliver the good news to him. I think if you join in this gift you’ll feel immense joy also.  

I hope by reading this Emmanuel has given you a gift like he gave me that day. We can all use a reminder from time to time to focus on what truly matters in life. 

With Deepest Gratitude,


P.S. - Our Holiday Gift Guide has many sustainable, life-changing gifts you can give to others this holiday season.


Our Vision for 2024


2023 Holiday Gift Guide