Heading to Uganda!
Meeting with one of our women's savings group
September 21st, I head to Uganda! This will be my first trip over since the pandemic! The pic above is from my last trip meeting with one of our women's groups.
The travel is a bit strenuous, to put it mildly, and the advance planning and preparation are A LOT! But I'm looking forward to visiting all of our programs and projects.
I'm also looking forward to once again seeing the many friends I've made over the years.
(My travel is self-funded as at this time the cost would have too much of an impact on our budget. 100% of your donations go to our programs.)
Because of all of you, there will be much to celebrate! There will be meals shared and definitely some dancing!
We'll be visiting our school gardens, and doing a live video meet between the 5th and 6th grade students at Hinesburg Community School in Vermont and Nayenga Primary in Uganda.
I look forward to seeing all of the progress our children and families have made and I know they'll be sending their gratitude back to you!
I'll be meeting with our wonderful team and doing some strategic planning for 2025.
I'll have lots of pictures, videos, and stories to share with you all in the coming weeks! You'll be able to again see first-hand the difference you have made possible for so many children and families.
I'll be visiting Victory School and hope to bring them some much-needed basic supplies!
As I've said here many times, life in Uganda is often difficult with not much new happening. A big part of my trip, and the Ugandan culture, is getting together to visit the communities and schools and celebrate with our children and families.
Below are some of the extra projects we'll be doing while I'm in Uganda. If you'd like to donate to any of these, you can just click on our Donate link below and put a note as to what project you'd like to donate to.
Any donation helps and is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
Thank you for all you do and the difference you make!
With Gratitude,
Some of the extra projects we'll be doing during my visit to Uganda:
*Celebrating our students who have been working hard with a luncheon ($140.)
*Visiting the maternity ward at Lubaga Hospital and bringing “Welcome Baby” kits with essentials for 25 new mothers ($453.)
*Bringing some basic supplies to 3 primary schools ($300.)
*Celebrating three of our young women who have completed two years of tailoring training with sewing kits to start their own business ($165)