She’s Got Wheels!
Orphan, birth defect, female, living in rural Uganda - those four strikes against Rehemah could have defined her. But she is not letting them.
This nine-year-old girl is resilient and determined.
Born without the use of her lower legs, Rehemah adapted by scooting around, and then “walking” on her knees. But as she grew, this became more difficult, especially traveling the long distance to school.
As you've heard me say, life in rural Uganda has many challenges. Having a disability is very difficult as there is no place to go for any type of assistance.
Our team knew Rehemah needed a wheelchair to be able to continue going to school. We put out the ask on Donorsee, our crowdfunding site, and you, our donors came through!
I'd like to give a big thank you to one of our donors, Patricia, who is an occupational therapist. She was able to give our team guidance on the type of wheelchair Rehemah needed. This was a big help!
This week, Rehemah's wheelchair was delivered, and she was also given some school supplies. The pure joy from Rehemah, her grandmother, friends, and neighbors was something we'll always remember.
This video of Rehemah will fill your heart with joy too!
We hope that you see and feel the power of your donations, and we hope you feel connected to the children and people you are helping.
They feel very connected to you. Each day they ask us to tell you, “Thank You” for all you have done.
One of our core values at CLP is transparency. Documenting the need, and then the journey of your donation through photos, videos, and stories is paramount to us.
The future for Rehemah will have many challenges. Our hope is to get her medical treatment that will straighten her legs and repair her club feet. This will be a long process as medical care is about 6 hours away and will require several operations and therapy.
But for now, Rehemah is thrilled that she can get around without being in pain! And, she's kind of a big deal with her wheelchair!
Together, what we can accomplish is amazing!
With Gratitude,
P.S.- Want to help us spread the word about what CLP is doing? Next time someone asks you what's new, tell them about one of the children you've helped through your donation and what it's meant to you. They can learn about our work through our website and weekly emails.