Sorrow, Joy, and Gratitude
Mary Muroski Mary Muroski

Sorrow, Joy, and Gratitude

Early this year I put out the call for help for the Rogers family when their home in Kamuli, Uganda burned. They had nowhere to sleep and their household belongings were destroyed. Thankfully no one was hurt.

 You, our wonderful, caring, community of donors, quickly rallied for this family and we raised enough to rebuild their modest, one-room home (for about $500)! Our amazing team organized a plan for getting the materials and the building was completed in a couple of weeks. 

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Heading to Uganda!
Mary Muroski Mary Muroski

Heading to Uganda!

September 21st, I head to Uganda!  This will be my first trip over since the pandemic!  The pic above is from my last trip meeting with one of our women's groups.

 The travel is a bit strenuous, to put it mildly, and the advance planning and preparation are A LOT!  But I'm looking forward to visiting all of our programs and projects.

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Dancing in September!
Mary Muroski Mary Muroski

Dancing in September!

Holy Moly!! Yes, I'm “Dancing in September,” (love that song by Earth, Wind, & Fire!) as I see the change in the kids as they get their second-term results in Uganda! This is Martha, an orphan being raised by her elderly grandfather who had no way to send her to school. Look at her now!

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Shoes, Seeds, & Shopping Bags
Mary Muroski Mary Muroski

Shoes, Seeds, & Shopping Bags

It's been a busy week for our team in Uganda as they deliver supplies to the communities, and that is all thanks to you!  


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